
Public Land

  • Rental income tax: 5%

  • Factory processing tax: 2%

  • Trade tax: 2%

Private Land Slots

  • Private landowners may impose a rental income and farming tax anywhere from 1% to 10%, in which 1% of the proceeds will go into the Treasury.

  • Private landowners may impose a factory processing tax anywhere from 1% to 10%, in which 1% of the proceeds will go into the Treasury.

  • Private landowners may impose a trade tax anywhere from 1% to 10%, in which 1% of the proceeds will go into the Treasury.

Note: Landowners may choose whether or not to open their land and processing factories to other players to build and utilise.

For example: Player A has built property on a private land plot somewhere in Europe that he does not own, generating a daily income of 100 BINO. If the landowner has imposed a 7% tax rate, then 6 BINO shall be taxed from Player A’s income and given to the landowner, 1 BINO will be sent to the treasury. Player A will have made a net profit of 93 BINO that day.

Last updated